Music? Football? Both.
Join Us on October 11 at The Corner Hotel! Presented by Always Live Festival

Dennis Cometti

Paul Dempsey

Cameron Ling

Jude Bolton


Paul Kelly

Bob Murphy

Matthew Richardson

Tim Rogers

Dave Graney

Presentation Night
PRESENTATION NIGHT is a live stage show. Not in a Lion King arena spectacular type of way (although that would obviously be incredible), but in more of a Michael Parkinson in the pub type of way. It works like this: we set up some bar stools, a table, and a turntable on stage. Legendary music and sports broadcaster Francis Leach walks on and proceeds to host a conversation between an elite footballer who loves music, and a storied musician who loves football, live on stage over the next couple of hours.
Each show is a once-in-a lifetime pairing between two greats in their respective fields. Thus far we’ve featured Paul Kelly with Bob Murphy; Tim Rogers with Matthew Richardson; Paul Dempsey with Cameron Ling; Urthboy with Jude Bolton; and Dave Graney with Dennis Cometti. Each show and each guest have been amazing, and their conversations have been all killer, no filler. We like it.
Together our guests tackle the big issues: what are the similarities between the professional musician and the professional footballer? How do friendships form in footy and in music? We take a look inside their kitbags, unearth some suprising trophies, talk about who scares them on the field or on stage. Our musician sings a couple of songs. We ask about our footballers’ favourite albums our musicians’ favourite footballers – and much, much more.

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It is with a high impact level of excitement that we’re delighted to announce that Presentation Night featuring TONY ARMSTRONG and DARCY VESCIO in conversation with CHRIS CHENEY is set to run through a crepe-paper banner and hold its very first show in over two years at The Corner Hotel on Tuesday October 11, 2022!

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